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Digital solutions for engaging with existing and new audiences across all art forms

Cultural organisations and agencies are facing the twin challenges of developing a more evidence-based approach to understanding and engaging with their audiences and citizen groups on one side, and the exploitation of affordable tech tools, that facilitate a long-term digital dialogue with existing and new audiences.


This journey of digital transformation can be bewildering and is connected with a wide range of competencies, skills, and technologies -  which makes knowing where to start difficult.

Our approach is holistic, ethical and purpose-driven. And we begin with the simple question: What do cultural organisations or cultural agencies need?

We enable cultural organisations and agencies to make better data driven decisions when engaging with existing and future audiences

We’re a local guide and gateway to an international community of partners and like-minded institutions

CultureTech Consultancy

Facilitating the digital journey for cultural organisations, city based collectives and cultural agencies. 

Modern architecture

Audience Data

Attaining true cultural democracy, whereby all cultural activities across the artistic and social spectrum, requires a far better understanding of the citizens cultural preferences and consumption patterns.

Working with regions and cities we analyse the data value chain in terms of data collection, analysis and presentation.

And most importantly we define the set of actions that ensure that artistic, social and financial goals are attained.

Modern architecture

Digital Engagement

The recently published report

“Digital transformation of the cultural and creative sectors - preparation document for the Belgian EU Presidency 2024” documents a wide range of projects, activities, priorities and not least challenges across the EU.


Projects which all have one goal in common:


The need for the better collection, analysis, understanding and presentation of our citizens cultural engagement across the cultural sector.

Modern architecture

Culture Tech Solutions

Underpinning all digital transformation strategies is a sound understanding of the capabilities required - data literacy - and the ability to execute.

Working with the key actors within Culture Tech, we can align the citizen cultural engagement strategies with the best tools and platforms available.

At Kulturdata we believe in a collaborative approach and have strong relationships and understanding of culture tech solutions from for example PEPPERED, The Audience Agency and global data solution providers such as NTT. 

Recent projects

Our project management principles for cultural digital transformation - beginning with the why
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Culture Tech Solutions for audience engagement

Engaging with your audiences digitally - building a long-term sustainable dialogue with existing and new audiences - is key in our increasingly digital world.

Kulturdata has partnered up with leading culture tech organizations that understand the needs of the cultural sector and have developed affordable solutions that bring audiences and cultural organizations closer together.

Our methodlogy and products


St. Stephens Garden

London W2 5NA 


+44 7484 878 114



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Independent audience engagement

and culturetech consulting

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Company Number: 08957457 | England

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